We had an excellent time at Brycee's party. He is more rotten than I could ever imagine. The first thing he did that morning was notice that I had a wrapped present on a cabinet. Yes, Mommy knew to put it up where he couldn't reach it. He then came to our room to wake us up and said, "Mommy, Daddy, Santa came!!" It was so cute! He was beyond precious. He thanked all his guests for coming! Even more than the general thanks! I was pooped after a day of hosting and a weekend of cleaning but his face made everything so worthwhile! Here's to many more birthdays to come!
*****I will warn you now that this is a huge picture post!
Three years ago, Blake and I headed to the hospital one, rainy and gloomy day. It was my due date and we were able to go ahead and induce for two reasons: (1) the amniotic fluid was not enough for my sumo wrestler I was carrying and (2) Blake was about to have a 10 day off period and we really wanted him home with us. It took all day but around 5:30PM Bryce made his debut into this world and we have been trying to catch up with him ever since.
Bryce, You are a light in your daddy's and my life. You have a humor that is hilarious, a compassion that is shown to just the right people, and the energy for a whole platoon! You are super smart and I am not just saying that. You LOVE and I do mean LOVE Toy Story right now. Everything has to do with Buzz and Woody. Your favorite thing to do is to strip down to your underroos and "fly" through the house to "infinity and beyond!" You know all of your colors and numbers. You love to sing. Thank goodness for a big brother because you can hang with the best of them now too! You and Steven have such a special bond and you two love each other very much. You don't cuddle a ton but when you do you love to smother me in kisses. If you are not felling it you will tell me "not today" and laugh! You eat anything and you are an outside boy. I often find you digging in the dirt with your bare hands. I can't imagine what life would be without you! We love you so much baby boy!(to which you would say Mommy, I a big boy not a baby!!)
I had ended a relationship in December of 2003. I was working at Cracker Barrel and not having the best of years. The guy before Blake didn't want kids and I already had one. He was great with Steve but I knew that our relationship would not go anywhere. When we ended our relationship, it ended some friendships also. I had been hard core into the karate circuit and he was the instructor. I moved karate schools and just went back to life as normal. Around April I met a guy and gal at the Barrel who was a lot of fun to hang out with. When I was with them they argued constantly. We started hanging out with one or the other. Usually not both at the same time. See this guy was involved with this girl for the past 6 years. I never had any intention of ever dating this guy BUT as time went on he broke things off with her and we ended up together. The next couple of months were blissful and for the first time in 6 years I thought that he may be the one! After 4 short months of dating he and Steven surprised me one afternoon with a ring and then he asked me to marry him. We then waited another year before the wedding and the rest is history. We are getting better by the year and I love him with all my heart! He is a great husband, father, stepfather, and provider! I can't imagine my life any different. Oh yeah......and the other woman!? She is happy and I think married living up north. They are still friends and when she comes to town I actually encourage Blake to visit with her. They grew up together and Blake and his brother are both friends. She even lived with us for about a month once. So, while I did steal him in a sense, this is who I was meant to be with!
I am a mother and a wife! I have been married for almost 5 years and have been blessed with two awesome children. I would not trade that for anything in this world. A reformed hippie who wears work clothes but still listens to freeing sounds of music. I love the Lord!