Friday, June 25, 2010

4H $15 chanllenge

Steven is competing tomorrow in the Regional 4H competition.  His event is the $15 challenge.   They are supposed to find an outfit for no more than $15.  This is right up our alley.  Some of my favorite pants to wear at 14 came from the Salvation Army and were plaid.  LOL!  So, I took off to teach him some skills.  We found a shirt and get this, it is a shirt supporting his school with his class year on the back!  In.His.Size!  What luck!  Oh yeah and  it was $1.25.  The shorts are O'Neil board shorts perfect for the beach, where we just so happen to have a vacation scheduled to the beach coming up, these were $2.00.  Alrighty then, that makes our total a whole $3.25!  Score!  We also found an American Eagle polo shirt too for school. I love easy finds like this.  I hope he does well tomorrow.  4H has great opportunities for high schoolers and scholarships can happen.  It's time to start thinking about all of this stuff.  Whew!  Have a great weekend.  We have a pool party and some other fun things planned.